Monday, 20 September 2010

Eye twitch gone.

I kept meaning to post this over the last few months. For the last 7 years I've had a rather annoying twitch in my left eye lid. It actually caused my vision to be altered every time it happened, and you can imaging how this could get on your nerves when it's happening 4 or 5 times every hour of every day.

Needless to say I'd read all the advice around; reduce stress, more sleep, good diet, exercise etc, "it will go within a few weeks" - I'm sure they usually do but not this one!

I'd done all that, and for the most part I certainly didn't think I was stressed, I usually slept very well and I'm pretty active. So how come for the last 8 or so months, the eye twitching has pretty much disappeared? Only one thing has changed, I started Meditating about a year ago. All I can think is that it's reduced anxieties that I didn't even realise I had. My mind certainly feels clearer more of the time, and my perspective on life has changed for the better.

I expect because I didn't solely set out to eradicate the twitch, i.e. I'd already accepted it and was no longer focusing on it, probably helped somewhat. Whatever the reasons, I'm very happy it's better.

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