Thursday 29 April 2010

Keep coming back...

Something to remember about meditation and awareness in general is that the goal is not to spend a continuous period of time without having thoughts, but to be aware of any thought and bring yourself back to focus on your meditation or activity.

The ability to let go of a thought and without dwelling on it, come back to focus is how you build a stronger mind. A side effect is perhaps that you will have less intrusive thoughts but to make your goal the elimination of all thoughts may actually create anxiety in its self.

Training your brain this way reduces anxiety (since you are more effective at letting go) and helps to deal with situations in a more rational, logical and self-aware manor.

After 6 months of meditation I honestly feel my mind is stronger. I no longer have down periods where I feel like retaliating at the world. My perspective on life has changed dramatically, the things in my life are the same but my appreciation of my life has increased.

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