Thursday, 5 May 2011

Keeping on track

Things have been going pretty well. I've managed to stay on track. That's not to say it's been completely easy, the journey can get a little sketchy at times but I seem to cope with any wobbles along the way a little easier each time.

I guess that's how best to view anything in life - you can't expect to be 100% at all times. Just like the meditation exercises, the point is to realise when you're off track and to get back on to it.

From looking at myself and others around me that seems to be the biggest hurdle of all. When something testing comes along, it can feel impossible to get back on track;

   take someone that over eats for example - it's unrealistic to expect to eat 100% healthy all the time, however when that inevitable time comes that they eat something classed as unhealthy the temptation seems to be to chuck it all in. while they battle with guilt, feeling of failure etc, it must feel extremely hard to continue. The truth is, failure is quitting and the success is being on the path and being more happy with who you are and not what you feel you will become at the so called finishing post.


  1. I have enjoyed reading your blog, Are you still meditating if so how is it going.

  2. Thanks cj. Yes, I'm pleased to say I've kept it up. Now and again I miss an evening as often I don't finish work until late in the evening.

    Do you meditate or just thinking of trying it?


  3. Hi Danimal

    Sorry it took so long to reply(happy new year, btw). To answer your question. After many a false start over the years . I finally started a sustained practice about 6 months ago. I miss periods sometimes. But I just return to it and soldier on. I find that it helps if i keep my expectations out of it.

