Monday 9 November 2009

Several weeks in...

I've been religiously doing walking meditation while out walking the dog and at least 10 mins of breathing meditation for several weeks.

I've noticed subtle improvements in my behaviour that seem to be having a large impact on those around me. Mindfulness training during situations where my mind would generally wonder have helped me focus better while also stopping negative and useful thoughts to change my mood for the worse. This coupled with the breathing meditation and relaxation exercises have helped me become much less anxious.

Previously I had never thought of my self as an anxious person but now realise the way my mind looked at past and future situations and distorted them was simply creating anxiety where it served no purpose.

During one day I remember feeling that these exercises just weren't working as i kept thinking of a tough situation i had to deal with that day. I then realised that I was OK to feel like that but could feel comfort in the fact that I just needed to clear my mind again and relax.

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